Wow, that list makes him sound like quite a particular baby. :) Lest you think I preferred my daughter's newborn stage over his, let me list a few special things about my Kirk.
And with that, I'm going to bed early because a certain little munchkin won't fall asleep by himself tonight. I love my babies!
Saturday we went on a little "mini-vacation." Some friends of ours were spending the weekend out at Port Aransas on the coast and they invited us to join them for part of the time. We woke up bright and early Saturday morning to make the 3-hour drive. The drive down went amazingly well: Shiphrah fell back asleep after a little while and Kirk slept the whole way until the ferry ride when he woke up hungry.
Unfortunately, Shiph was not a huge fan of the sand. In fact, even though she eventually warmed up to the wet sand, she refused to walk in the dry sand. She kept saying "eeeww" and "yucky." She hated the feel of it!
I like playing with the towel, Mommy!
The pool is SO much better than the icky ocean!
If you haven't spent all of your grocery budget for the month, go HERE and then click on the links to print some super-duper coupons and then run to Target to stock up on some goodies! (For a list of the best deals, click HERE.) Target has a bunch of store coupons that you can match with manufacturer's coupons for some really great steals. (You can find all of the current Target coupons HERE.)
I headed out this afternoon with Kirk after Shiphrah went down for her afternoon nap. The shopping itself took me about 45 minutes, but it took the poor cashier 20 minutes to finish ringing me up. (I had at least one coupon per item.) In my defense, the cashier was extremely particular about checking and rechecking every single coupon. She'd look at each coupon carefully, check to make sure I had the correct items, scroll back up on the computer to make sure the coupons weren't worth more than the items, and then scan each coupon. So I had to tell about half a dozen people or so that they might want to try another line because I was going to be slow. Still, it was worth it to get the great deals!
Total spent = $36.75
Total saved = $80.53
I won't break down each item and price, but to sum it up I purchased a total of 42 items which comes out to about 87 cents a piece. That's INCREDIBLE considering the high value of a lot of the items (four 12-packs of soda, a family pack of chicken thighs, etc.). I did have two $5 gift cards from last week's deals, so that helped bring down the total too. (And I know I promised Avery I wouldn't buy any more cereal, but after a coupon the Rice Krispies were only 99 cents a box! So I told him I'd make Rice Krispie treats with them. )
...are completely STUFFED. So for the next two weeks or so I'm going to do my best to avoid buying things that must fit in either of those two places.
It's become addicting though...saving money is so much fun!!! (Avery asked me the other night if I was actually saving money by doing all this coupon-shopping. I checked our budget and I'm still staying well under the allotted amount. Yay!)
Oh, and Shiphrah wanted to help me sort my coupons today. I think we have another couponer in the making!
Total spent = $14.10
Total saved = $29.11
Gift cards received = $10
Chocolates = $0.99 after $1/1 Target & $1/1 manufacturer coupons; Glade soy candles = $5.99 each, $4/1 coupons plus $5 gift card making them FREE plus $1 overage; Purell (for Avery) = $4 for two after $2/2 coupon, Fiber One products = three $0.50/1 coupons, one $1.35/1 coupon making them $0.09 each after the $5 gift card; Banana Boat sunscreen (trial size) = FREE.
This was my monthly "fridge/freezer stocking" trip, so I spent a bit more than my weekly grocery budget ($60) but that's okay considering the last two weeks I spent $30 and $20 respectively. For roughly $70 I got two packages of T-bone steaks (on sale for $3.99/lb), a package of pork tenderloin (on sale for $2.99/lb), a package of boneless-skinless chicken breasts (on sale for $1.99/lb), plus all the regular essentials (milk, beans, rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, orange juice, etc.), and a few extras (ice cream, dinner rolls, chips). All together I saved $14.98 with coupons.
I really have to start getting myself out of bed earlier in the morning. Once both kids are awake, I literally have NO time for myself until Shiphrah goes down for her nap. That means it's incredibly hard to get anything done: eating, getting dressed, everything is a challenge with Shiph following my every move. The only reason she lets me [sometimes] get on the computer is because I'm sitting in one place. All that to say, I'm hungry!
A few nights ago I thought Kirk was making progress towards sleeping through the night. He was sleeping between 4 and 6 hour stretches at least once each night and twice he didn't wake up between the time we went to bed (11ish) and when Avery's alarm went off the next morning (4ish). But then he decided the change directions and the last two nights he has woken up every 2 to 3 hours. So by the time 7 or 8-o-clock rolls around, I really don't feel like getting up.
This week is a short workweek for Avery. He starts his second phase of field training this weekend, so he starts a new shift with new days off. This week he had Monday and Tuesday off and with his next FTO he will get Fridays and Saturdays off. So, since the work week starts on Saturdays, he only has to work Wednesday through Friday this week and then he'll start again at 10 pm on Sunday night. (He'll be on dogwatch or "C" shift, which is 10 pm-6 am.)
We had a nice long "weekend." Sunday was full of surprises too: my mom called me that morning to let me know she and my dad were coming down to SA to go to church with me and then hang out for a few hours. Then, Avery came into church twenty minutes into the service! A couple of weeks back he and his FTO had apprehended a burglary suspect and each received a half day off as a reward (proactive police work is highly encouraged and rewarded). So he decided to take it on Sunday and show up to surprise me. Yay! So I had my hubby and my parents all surprise me that day...so fun!!
Monday we went out boating with friends from church and Avery had a blast wakeboarding. (The weather wasn't quite warm enough for me to try...since I'd be spending most of the time in the water, it at least had to be comfortable to make it worth it. ) Tuesday was full of errands...Shiphrah spent the first half of the day with her Uncle Chris while Avery, Kirk, and I went to the eye doctor for checkups (my eyes are finally getting to the point where I need glasses some of the time) and then to our second financial planning meeting. We thought we'd have time for lunch in between appointments, but the eye doctor took so long that we had to go straight from one to the other. So we were STARVING by the time we finally got to eat (2:30ish).
Other than that it's been a pretty typical week. Oh, I did start running/walking on my new treadmill (mostly walking)! Avery says I need to go at it for at least 20 minutes to really burn fat, so that's what I've been doing. Yesterday I went for 20 minutes/1.2 miles. It felt really good while I was doing it, but afterwards I had a nasty headache (I think I was dehydrated). Hopefully today I can drink enough water before I start.
Well, Shiphrah is getting sleepy so I need to try and get some lunch into her before she crashes. Yesterday I tried putting her down for her nap around noon but she wouldn't fall asleep for a while so I figured today I'd try waiting until after lunch. Of course, now she's acting like she could fall asleep standing up. Oh well, maybe someday I'll figure her out!
I just got home from CVS. I don't usually go this early in the week, but I had a coupon expiring today and we needed decongestant. I was so excited about the deals I found that I just had to blog about it right away!!
I went into the store planning on buying CVS brand decongestant ($9.79) plus one less-than-a-dollar item and using my $2/$10 CVS brand coupon. I also was planning on taking advantage of the ECB cereal and toothpaste deals. (Buy 3 select Kellogg's or Special K cereals for 3/$10 and get $5 ECBs and buy select Colgate toothpaste for $2.99 and get $2 ECBs.) But once I got into the store, I happened to notice several items on clearance for GREAT prices. (Apparently they mark down items on Sundays?) So I scoured the store and found Degree deodorant on sale for 92 cents, Mitchum deodorant on sale for $1.25 (this is the only deodorant Avery will use and it's usually $3 or something), Gerber 2nd Foods apple-banana-strawberry for 42 cents per 2-pack, CVS brand baby shampoo for 82 cents, and my most exciting find: Lansinoh nursing pads for $1.50 for a 36-count box (!!!).
So I ended up doing two transactions: I got the CVS brand items for $8.61 (a savings of $4.47), and then used my $8 in ECBs from last week plus 3 $1/1 coupons for the cereals and a $1/1 coupon for the toothpaste to get everything else for $6.34 AND I got $7 ECBs back (a savings of $32.35 plus $7 ECBs)!
Total spent = $6.34
Total saved = $32.35
ECBs received = $7
(So in a way, CVS payed me 66 cents to buy everything in the picture. )
I skipped CVS this week because none of their deals seemed worth the extra trip. But I did score some awesome deals at Target and some cheap groceries at HEB.
Spent = $8.98
Saved = $22.53
Like I mentioned before, Target is running an awesome deal this week where you get a $5 gift card for purchasing five Special K products. There are tons of $1/1 Special K coupons circulating on the internet, so combined with the gift card they came out to 69 cents a box. The waffles were about 85 cents a box after $1.50/1 coupons, the deodorant was free, the apples were a little over $1 for two pounds after a Target $1/1 coupon, and the Nabisco products were about $1.50 each after $1/1 Target coupons. I also got a 12-pack of Dr. Pepper for $3 with a Target $1/1 coupon (not included in the total). Hubby was excited that I brought home so many things he can munch on when he's waiting for dinner (the man is SO impatient).
I didn't take advantage of any meal deals or "combo locos" at HEB this week, but I did use several coupons and ended up saving nearly $8. Our weekly grocery budget is $65 and I spent $55.01. This is really good considering I only spent $20 last week at HEB and next week I should be able to skip the grocery store all together (unless they're running any deals on pork tenderloin or beef steaks).