Like I said in my last brief post, aside from how I've been feeling, everything really has been going wonderfully around here. Kirk has finally gotten a reprieve from teething, so he's been sleeping much better and his overall mood has improved dramatically. Shiphrah is keeping me on my toes with her need to touch and get into everything. (Which she typically does when I'm holding Kirk...little booger.) She also is establishing herself in her role as Big Sister and loves to boss her little brother around constantly. I want her to interact with him, so I'm torn as to how to teach her to play with him without trying to play for him. You know what I mean?
In other news, Avery got his vacation requests for the year approved this week so we are all set for our mini-getaway in May and his two-week vacation over Christmas! I'm soooo looking forward to our'll be the first time since our honeymoon that it will be just the two of us. We haven't decided where we're going or what we'll be doing yet, but I'll probably start looking into that soon. Is it bad that I'm going to be away from my kids on Mother's Day weekend? I didn't realize we were planning it over that weekend, but now I'm feeling a little guilty. Oh well, I guess they'll see me that night anyway.
So life is grand! The only thing that's really been bothering me is my inability to balance everything appropriately. I look at my "occupation" as three-fold: wife, mother, and housekeeper. They're pretty much prioritized in that order too, so when things get tough, the house is what falls apart first. But that irks me to no end because I feel like I should be able to manage. I want to be a "Domestic Goddess" like the book Fascinating Womanhood talks about and be a wonderful wife, mother, and keep my house looking beautiful. I know it's probably just God keeping my pride in check because I would have a HUGE head if I had it all together. But, like my title says, two outta three ain't bad, I guess. I did get about half the dishes in the sink washed this evening before my back started screaming at maybe by tomorrow night I'll have a clean sink again (for the first time in two weeks...sad, isn't it?).
Well, I'm getting sleepy sitting here and I still have to stay up until the laundry finishes in the dryer.
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