Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Glorious weekend approacheth!

Let me begin this post by reiterating the first thing I said in the last post: Avery's schedule is kicking my butt! Seriously, I am SO glad today is his last day on this shift! (At least for a week or so...) Kirk seems to have stopped trying to sleep through the night (he is so much more difficult than Shiph was because I can't try to get him to fall back asleep with a pacifier...he just doesn't like them) and the longest stretch he'll attempt is five hours (most of which is before I'm in bed anyway). So at best I'm getting about six hours of broken sleep a night, which makes me super-irritable and impatient in the mornings. Prayer would be appreciated; I've really got to work on my "morning attitude."

The other night while waiting for Avery to get home, I made another dress. :) It was a real quick, off-the-top-of-my-head kind of dress but it turned out really cute! Here's the basic pattern I drew:

Sorry about the bad quality of the scan...I couldn't get it to scan any better. I won't bother posting a picture of the finished product, because the detail is mostly in the back and I was too lazy to take a picture, but it was quite a success! It actually looks kind of like a prom dress someone would buy at a formal-wear store. The fabric I used was a shiny dark green stretchy's really pretty. :)

I am so, so, SO excited about our "weekend!" It start tomorrow and runs through Saturday night (he starts on the "dogwatch" shift on Saturday). Tomorrow night we're going to use our gift certificate I got for $2 to try Canyon Cafe at the Quarry Market. I can't wait!! I feel like we haven't been out as a family in nearly two weeks!

Shiphrah is learning SO much every single day! She's adding words and phrases to her vocabulary constantly and is continually developing her quirky personality. It's adorable. :)

And I would write more to that effect but Kirk is being a little toot. Adios!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day weekend

Avery's schedule is seriously kicking my butt. The last two nights he hasn't gotten home until 2 am (his shift is supposed to end at 10 pm). I try to go to bed before he gets home, but for some reason my body won't shut off until he's home. When he works the night shift I don't have a problem sleeping alone, but for some reason I can't fall asleep knowing he'll be home any minute. So, yeah, I'm tired.

Despite my husband working this weekend, we had a nice time. Friday we mostly relaxed at home, although I did run to Wal-Mart for a few things while the kids napped, Avery worked on his boat...

(he's building a wooden kayak), and that evening we picked up Papa John's pizza to take over to his parents' house for dinner. (He wanted to spend some time with them since he'd be missing Father's Day dinner on Sunday.)

Saturday was Avery's first official day of evaluations and he was understandably nervous. He worked nearly 12 hours and didn't get home until 2 so I spent the evening picking up the house, washing and ironing his uniforms, baking him cookies for Father's Day, writing him a Father's Day note, and making the potato salad for Sunday's dinner (my sis-in-law always asks me to bring this particular dish; apparently I make the best potato salad ever :D). Earlier in the evening Shiphrah and I had another play date with Kelly and her son Luke (who's turning 2 in a couple of weeks). I always forget to pull out my camera when they're together, but here's a picture of them on Easter at church:

(And yes, he is that much bigger than she is. :D) Kelly brought over McAlister's Deli for dinner (love their sandwiches!!) and we hung out for several hours. It's funny the things kids pick up from each other: while Luke and Shiph were playing, Luke kept shutting the bedroom door and laughing hysterically. Well, today Shiph decided she would do that...only she can't get it open again because she's too short. :) So that game didn't last long.

Anyway, Sunday morning I got up and made my hubby an omelet for breakfast and gave him his third Father's Day present (his first two, a Dell Mini and a photo book of the kids, were given to him early because I couldn't wait :D): (Obviously that's not my husband, but he hasn't had a chance to wear the shirt yet so I haven't taken a picture of him in it.) After church we stayed for the fellowship luncheon as long as we could before Avery had to get home to get ready for work. (He's working late roll call [2:30-10:30] so we got to stay a bit longer than we thought we would.) After Avery left the kids and I took a nice, long nap (praise God they both slept for several hours!) before heading over to the in-laws for Father's Day dinner. We hung out there until about 9, which was about as long as the kids could handle. :)

Alright, well I'm going to get the dishes washed while Shiphrah is watching "Finding Nemo." (She kept asking for a movie and saying "feeesh? feeesh?" so I put Nemo in for her. :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I like sewing, but sewing doesn't like me.

The title pretty much sums up my frustrations with my latest dress-making attempt. I'm a perfectionist, so every little goof bugs me and I get very disappointed when things don't look just right. Also, my body doesn't fit a typical pattern size (but then, who's does?) so I always have to end up adding darts in random places to get the dress to fit right. This time my sister-in-law (an amazing seamstress...and she doesn't even use patterns!) suggested trying on the dress inside out and pinning where I would need the darts. What a concept! It worked great! :) So, here's my latest creation:(Yes, I'm freakishly pale and yes, the fabric is too light for my skin. But who cares, I like it. :D)

The picture unfortunately doesn't show all the detail, but it was one of the more complicated dresses I've tried to make (one that I tried died halfway through).

Next maybe I'll attempt a dress with sleeves, but sleeves scare me because they require precision (which obviously I haven't mastered yet).

And just for kicks, I'm going to post pictures of a few other dresses I've made over the years... (Kudos to my lovely sisters for being such great models!)

Friday, June 19, 2009

"Jooose? Feeesh?"

Lately Shiphrah has been insistent that there are fish swimming around in her juice cup. Almost every day she'll pick up her sippy cup, peer carefully at it and say "jooose? feeesh?" Today I captured it on camera:

I tried to catch her on video and if you listen carefully as soon as you hit play, you'll hear her say "feeesh?" Then later on she does her "ohmygoodness" face, which just cracks me up every time. :)

And since I don't think I have any pictures of me and the kids, I had Avery take one today:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Recap of a Lovely Weekend

I was all excited about blogging about our oh-so-lovely weekend last week and telling y'all how much I was looking forward to this weekend because Avery gets THREE whole days off...and then my phone rang. Hi, babe. Listen, my sergeant just told me that they switched my next FTO because the other one is going on vacation so my days off are Thurs/Fri instead. So I only get Friday off this weekend. *Sigh*

Anyway, at least last weekend was nice. We started off the weekend with a Date Night. Avery's sister had texted me on Thursday asking if we had plans for Friday. She was off and missed her niece and nephew and wanted to babysit for us. No need to ask us twice! :) So Aunt Lizzy came over to watch the kids around 4 and we headed over to the Quarry to see "Night at the Museum: Battle for the Smithsonian." It was cute...Avery probably liked it a bit more than I did...what is it with guys and their love for goofy, slapstick humor? (Last night he about fell out of his chair laughing when he was showing me a scene from "The Benchwarmers." I don't get it.) After the movie we walked over to Chili's for dinner and enjoyed all sorts of fattening foods like Texas Cheese Fries (love, love, LOVE!) with Ranch. Mmmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it! I also got a Chili's Classic Margarita which, if any of you drink margaritas, is absolutely AMAZING!! Seriously, the BEST 'rita I've EVER tasted! It's not too strong, has three different types of alcohol (I don't care for 'ritas with just tequila in them), and has fresh lime juice added. So delicious! Anyway, we also had a gift card to help with dinner, so the whole night ended up costing us a grand total of $28. Not bad considering we were extra generous with the tip too. :) By the time we were done with dinner it wasn't even 8-o-clock yet, so we were tempted to stay out longer since we had a babysitter. But Avery missed the kids (he doesn't get to spend much time with them) so we headed home, after stopping at the grocery store to pick up shaving cream, hair gel, and sodas.

Speaking of sodas, you will not believe what they had at the store! CODE RED MOUNTAIN DEW!!! You know, that stuff they stopped selling in grocery stores over a year ago and now you can only find it in 20 ounce bottles at Shell gas stations??? Oh my goodness, I was elated!!! I am in love with the cherry goodness of the smooth Mountain Dew! They had exactly TWO 12-packs on the shelf. I would have bought both, but Avery only had two arms (he had to have his Pepsi) and we didn't get a cart. Oh well, I was so stinkin' excited! It [literally] put the cherry on top of our amazing evening! :)

The next day (Saturday) we loaded up the kiddos and headed out to the Medina lake for a few hours. The San Antonio Police Department has a Benevolent Fund for injured/killed officers and whoever makes a monthly contribution gets free access to a 32-acre park on the lake. The park is super-nice: they have a big pavilion for parties and lots of camping sites with electrical hookup and water. Plus a nice new playground (in the sun, unfortunately...why do they always put those things in the hot sun??) and big bathrooms. Basically like a state park, but free and private! The water at the lake is really low this summer, so none of the campsites are exactly "waterfront" property anymore. You can see what I mean here...
(That "No swimming from boat dock" sign used to be right up by the water.)

Shiphrah had a lot of fun splashing in the water. Next time we'll all bring bathing suits and floaties and actually swim around some.
That night after we got home we all relaxed and after the kids were in bed, Avery and I watched "Quantum of Solace." Good movie (I have a weakness for James Bond movies and I love that the new ones are cleaner than the old ones) but so, so, so sad. It made me want to cry.

And that was our delightful weekend! And lest you think I lost one of my babies, here's a picture of Kirk, looking more and more like his daddy every day! :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Late nights, diapers, and sewing a dress

Both kids are napping, Avery is off to work, and here I sit sipping an ice cold Code Red Mountain Dew. Ahhh, life is good. :) Of course, I'd rather all the above be true minus my husband being gone, but you take what you can get, right?

I'm rather surprised I'm feeling as upbeat as I am. Last night was a late Avery finally made it home a little before 2 am (his shift ends at 10 pm). I stayed up waiting for him...I hate going to bed without him because he ends up waking me up when he gets home anyway. (I had taken a nap earlier in the afternoon anyway so I wasn't exhausted.) So we got to bed around 2:30 and then slept in until about 10:30. I felt really achy and groggy this morning though...Kirk is still waking up about every 3 to 4 hours so I feel like I never really sleep very well (although my body has adjusted to it so it's not bad anymore).

But despite the late night, I'm surprisingly perky today. :) I'm even contemplating taking both kids grocery shopping after their naps. Speaking of shopping, Target is running a great deal this week: one of their "buy 3 products, get a $5 gift card" deals. And Huggies are on sale for $8.99 and included in that deal! Plus I have two $2/1 coupons and a $1.50/1 coupon and a $5 Target gift card from the last time I was there. So I figure it'll cost me about $16.50 + tax and I'll end up with another $5 gift card. Which isn't bad at all for three Jumbo packs of diapers!

Uh oh, the boy is already awake. Excuse me for a minute while I go get him.

Kirk is funny: I can usually get him to take his three naps a day, but at least two of them are usually only about 30 minutes long. Sometimes that middle or last nap will be an hour or two, but oftentimes not. It's frustrating just because he gets so grumpy and tired by 6-o-clock in the evening, but I don't want to put him down then because if I do he's wide awake around midnight or 2 am.

Anyway, where was I? I finally pulled out my sewing machine again after several months (more like a year) of non-use. I cut out all the pieces to make a dress (which personally I think is the hardest and most time-consuming step out of the whole process) the other night and then last night I sewed about 2/3 of the dress while waiting for Avery to get home. Of course, because I can't sew anything without screwing up somewhere, I goofed and then didn't realize it until five or so steps later. But, being the stubborn person that I am, I refuse to take the whole thing apart and start over, so instead I created my own fix. :) Hopefully it'll still look okay. Unfortunately, I discovered that ironing the fabric makes it change colors permanently (it gives it a yellowish hue) so I'm going to have to iron the whole thing just to make it look okay. Bah, problems like these make me want to give up sewing completely...I'm just not an understanding or patient enough person. :)

Well, that's enough rambling for now. Kirk is being a grouch and wants to be fed already, so I'd better go. Happy Monday, everyone!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wishing for a Wonderful Wednesday...

I swear I'm losing brain cells by the second. Or at least I seem to be losing the memory retention cells anyway. Avery keeps telling me that I need to write notes to myself as I think of things throughout the day. That would work, if only I could remember where I left that notepad. *Sigh*

Both kiddos are napping right now. Yes, that does deserve a round of applause...thank you very much. :) Avery got off work late last night and then we stayed up even later watching the most recent episode of "The Bachelorette" (yay that Dave and Juan went home!! Boo for poor Tanner catching so much flack for telling the truth!) and talking about his day. So we didn't get to bed until well after 2 am. Which, of course, meant we slept in until nearly 11 this morning. I really can't thank God enough for giving me a little girl who loves her sleep just like her mommy and daddy's so wonderful!!!

I'm still battling the blues, but yesterday I had a nice reprieve. The morning sucked, to say the least; Avery and I got into an argument, mostly fueled by the fact that we hadn't hardly seen each other in two days. But we made up before he left for work and I headed off with the kids to my in-laws' house for Tuesday coffee. Because being home alone was getting so hard, we ended up spending the rest of the day over there and my sister-in-law and I treated the family for dinner at Chili's. It was so much fun!! I think that the main reason (other than missing my husband) I've been so grumpy lately is that I have had ZERO adult interaction since Friday. Nothing other than a few "hi"s and "how are you"s at church before we had to rush home to get Avery ready for work. And yesterday I had good, long conversations with my MIL and my SIL that helped improve my mood considerably. But, like my SIL said, my attitudes shouldn't be dictated by my circumstances and I should just tell myself to snap out of it and get into a better mood. :)

I can't believe that Kirk will be three months old in four days! Time seems to be flying by these days...have you realized that we're already halfway through 2009? That's just crazy, I tell you! He's becoming more and more aware of his surroundings lately and he hates not being able to see everything that's going on. I like to prop him up against a pillow on the couch, but he's already flipped himself onto the floor three or four times from that position (by trying to sit up...bad mommy, I know) so I need to find another way to keep him happy. I decided to try putting him in the Bumbo seat, even though he doesn't have complete control of his head yet (he's about 90% there). I propped a pillow up behind his head so he wouldn't get whiplash and he loved it :)

And speaking of the little man, I hear him stirring. Darn, I can't figure out why he won't nap longer than a hour! :(

Monday, June 8, 2009

Babies, Attitudes, Graduation, and The Bachelorette

Mothering the munchkins has been a surprisingly smooth ride over the past week. *knock on wood* Shiphrah has two molars (her first!) peeking through her gums and her attitude has improved dramatically since they made their appearance. Kirk is getting into a “groove” of eating, playing, napping, and so on and so forth. He’ll be three months old in a week and I’m very pleased how smoothly I’ve transitioned from mother-of-one to mother-of-two. He still isn’t sleeping through the night, but he wakes up only briefly to nurse and then he’ll fall back asleep five to ten minutes later. (He sleeps in a bassinet right next to me so nighttime feedings are really easy.) I’m trying to get him on a schedule similar to his sister’s (at least as far as nighttime is concerned) and so far I’ve been successful about 2 out of 4 times. The night before last they both went down around 9:30 (we were out late, normally bedtime is 8) and Kirk slept for seven hours! Those nights have been few and far between though…I think he’s slept a stretch that long maybe three or four times. Usually it’s anywhere from three to five hour stretches. (Last night it was another every-three-hours night.) But, like I said, he just wakes up to nurse for about five minutes and then he’s out again.

Emotionally I have been all over the place lately. Yesterday I started crying during a cheesy movie (“A Cinderella Story” with Hilary Duff) and the past couple of days I’ve just felt overwhelmed. Not with the kids or the house or anything, just with life. It makes me wonder if “Aunt Flow” is going to make her appearance sometime soon (breastfeeding never keeps my cycle at bay for long) because I’m not usually this spastic. I mean, I seriously feel like I’m on a roller coaster. One minute I’ll feel like cleaning the whole house and starting a million projects and the next minute all I want to do is sit in front of a movie and mope. Blah, I hate this feeling! Like today, I just want it all to be over. I want it to be 11-o-clock when the kids are asleep and I’m just waiting for my husband to get home. But who am I kidding? It’s only 3 in the afternoon and both kids are asleep right now anyway…what do I have to complain about? So yeah, my weird attitude makes no sense whatsoever considering my circumstances aren’t bad at all.

My little sister graduated from high school on Friday. It was fun to see her walk the stage but crazy to think that my parents are about to be empty-nesters. Only not really, because my other sister is living with them until she gets married in September and my brother is living with them indefinitely until he gets himself out of debt. Oh well, in “theory” they are now empty-nesters. :) So Friday was spent driving to and from Austin and at the graduation. Fun, but exhausting. Saturday we got to spend some time at home and both Avery and I got a few things done around the house (Saturday was a “happy” day for me). We had dinner with two couples we got to know through the Academy, which would have been better had we not had a grumpy 18-month-old the whole time. Finally we found “Finding Nemo” playing on the TV and she watched that for a bit. (She kept getting mad every time a commercial would play and she’s say, “fish…fish?” until Nemo came back on. :oD It was cute!) Yesterday was hard because we had to rush home after church to get Avery off to work. (I hate rushing on a Sunday.) It was an easy day, but I was just feeling “blah” all day. Like I said before, no real reason for it, I was just in a funk. And that funk has continued over to today. I need to find something fun to do to help improve my mood. Or I could do the right thing and spend some time in prayer. But that’s always the last thing you want to do when you’re feeling down, isn’t it?

Hey, random question: has anyone been watching “The Bachelorette”? The guys on that show are crazy! Seriously, hardly any of them seem like decent, normal guys. Juan creeps me out (what’s with his need to be like 3 inches from her face all the time?), Tanner (with the foot fetish) is just weird, Dave is just plain scary, and Wes (the country singer from Austin) seems like a cheese-ball. I liked Sasha, but Jillian sent him home last week. I like Michael (the break dance instructor) but he seems a bit young and immature for Jill. I guess all the normal guys are at home at work because most companies wouldn’t let their employees just up and leave for months at a time. Anyway, I don’t know why I watch the show, but I can’t seem to let it go. :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Bare Minerals makeover!

UPS rang our doorbell this morning and lo and behold, my Bare Minerals makeup had arrived! I had a busy morning planned (grocery shopping and then a meeting at the church) so I didn't get to open the package until late this afternoon. Once I opened it, I immediately watched the tutorial DVD. It outlined the steps to take to apply the perfect foundation and then went over eye shadow application. It was a bit complicated for makeup (you have the foundation, the "warmth all over color," and the mineral veil; plus their "swirl, tap, buff" procedure) but if it seemed simple I suppose it wouldn't be worth the extra money. :)

Before I started, I washed my face and applied moisterizer, so as to have a clean pallet to work with:

I don't have really bad skin, so I've never really needed heavy foundation. That's my biggest concern with most foundations...they're all too thick and make me look like I'm over doing it. Bare Minerals is a loose, powder-like makeup that goes on with brushes. It turns more cream-like once it's on your skin, but it's very light and makes you feel like you're not wearing makeup at all.

It took me a total of thirty minutes to apply a complete look (foundation, blush, eyes, and lips). I'm sure I'll get faster with more practice, but half an hour isn't too bad in the whole scheme of things (as long as I don't have little munchkins running around!).

  • It's vitually an error-proof makeup. I love this! Basically because it's a loose powder, you can't goof and everything blends so nicely. (I especially love this when doing my eyes because I'm impatient and I always goof when I'm doing my eye makeup.)
  • It's very natural looking. It evens out blemishes in your face without looking like you have foundation on at all.
  • It's incredibly light. I don't feel like I have anything on my face other than mascara.
  • Part of the eye routine is a powder eyeliner. This creates a softer line than a pencil, which is perfect for me. If you want something a bit darker or more dramatic, they suggest wetting the brush first.
  • Because you only use a tiny bit at a time ("less is more" seems to be their motto) the cost is a good investment.
  • Other than learning how to apply everything, it's relatively simple. You use brushes for all the makeup and since it's error-proof you can get pretty fast and efficient at applying it.
  • Despite being powder-like, it doesn't rub off easily.
  • It makes your face feel divinely smooth!


  • If you need heavy coverage or like dramatic-looking makeup, it would take forever to apply this. Basically you have to work in layers and every layer makes your look more obvious.
  • The powder can be very messy if you're not careful. I specifically bought a makeup case that stays upright at all times, but if you're one of those people who takes their makeup with them everywhere, it will be messy.
  • It's expensive. Probably a little bit more than Mary Kay (the only other expensive makeup I've bought). I spent $200 for the face primer, a foundation starter kit, an eyes starter kit, a blush trio, and a set of lip gloss.

And here is my after picture (all of the makeup is Bare Escentuals except the mascara which is Great Lash):

So to compare, here are the two pictures side-by-side:

Monday, June 1, 2009

June already??

We're still not completely well around here, but it's gradually getting better. Kirk passed his cold to Shiphrah, who spent the past two days whining and smearing snot everywhere. Thankfully she's been in a much better mood today and hopefully will only continue to improve. Kirk is still a bit congested at night and hasn't gone back to sleeping those wonderful 7-hour stretches yet. Soon, hopefully. I was a little worried I was coming down with the cold after I started losing my voice yesterday, but so far I'm still feeling pretty good. Here's hoping that will continue.

Friday we had the kids' doctor appointments (Shiph's 18 month and Kirk's 2 month). Both kids are on the chart in weight percentiles (Shiphrah, 5th; Kirk, 50th) but nowhere near that in height. Poor Avery was so distraught to hear that his son was short too. :) Both kids got shots: Kirk got three (DTaP, HIB, and PCV) and Shiphrah got two (HIB and PCV) and I think I was more upset about it than they were. Is it supposed to be more traumatizing on the parents than the kids? I was impressed with how fast and efficient the nurse was though. Her hands were moving so fast I almost couldn't see what she was doing. Much better than when I saw my little sister get her booster shots. That was traumatic.

Saturday we headed out to the lake for the first part of the day. It was the second annual church lake day, although unfortunately the boat broke right before we got there so we couldn't actually do any laking. The water was too low to even swim in so the kids got to soak in the baby pool for about an hour and the rest of us just enjoyed the gorgeous weather. There was a really nice breeze most of the time so it didn't get too hot at all.

(Can you believe he's only 4 months older than Shiphrah??)

Yesterday was Avery's first day on B-shift. So we had to rush home after church and have a really quick lunch before he left. Today was just as rushed (he had an eye doctor appointment this morning) but hopefully we'll get into a groove pretty soon. My sisters came into town yesterday afternoon so we could go look at bridesmaid dresses for Rachel's wedding in September. We picked out a cute one and then decided to spend an hour or so at North Star Mall. Catherine (youngest sister) wanted to go shopping at Agaci, so that's where we spent the whole time until Kirk decided he was hungry and we had to head home. That store is sooo addicting! Most of it is a bit too young for me (although I was surprised at how many middle-aged ladies were shopping there) but they have such a huge selection that it's easy to spend hours there. I stayed strong through the shoe section (cute shoes for under $10!!) and all the cute skirts, purses, and jewelry, but I did end up buying one cute peasant dress. It's not something I can wear out of the house (at least until I find a brown shrug or maybe if I put a tank top under it) but it's sooooo cute and comfy and flowy that I couldn't resist. Sometimes I wish I had a husband that was a bit less laid back when it came to money. I can throw down several hundred dollars on something and he doesn't bat an eyelash. He says it's cuz he trusts me so much. :)

Part of Avery's Father's Day present arrived the other day. It was just SO cute that I couldn't help but give it to him right away. :) It's a little 4 x 4 photo book from Shutterfly full of the kids' pictures so he can show them off. He loved it. :) Speaking of photo books, I also ordered two from because they were running a special for a free photo book that Money Saving Mom had advertised. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend them, even though their prices are pretty reasonable. The layouts are really cute, but the print quality isn't very good and the quality of the paper itself isn't nearly as good as Shutterfly.

Let's see, what else? It's going to be a busy week around here. Tomorrow I have a meeting at the church for a WOC program my co-president is putting together. Right after that is coffee with my MIL if the babies can last that long. Then Thursday is a funeral for one of the ladies from the church, which of course means I'm coordinating the reception. We're doing finger sandwiches, veggies, fruit salads, and cookies, so I have to pick up the sandwich trays on Thursday morning before Avery goes to work. I don't know how I'm going to fit them in my fridge though...hmmm. And then Friday is my little sister's high school graduation (yay Cat!!) so we'll be heading up to Dripping Springs for most of the day Friday and possibly spend the night as well (the graduation is at 8 and I'm not too excited about driving back at 10 or so).

Oh, I emailed General Mills last week about their Fiber One products. (Avery and Shiphrah both had negative reactions to the fiber in their chewy bars and yogurt.) Today I opened the mail to see that they had sent me $24 in General Mills voucher coupons! Woo hoo!! Sometimes it pays to complain. :) I was a little perturbed because GM responded with a "well, some people just aren't used to that much fiber and maybe you just need to gradually build up your fiber intake." Maybe that's true for some, but we can eat the same exact amount of fiber that's naturally occurring and not have any problems. (For instance, Kashi's waffles have the same amount of fiber per serving and they don't cause any weird stomach problems.) So just a warning: Fiber One's products that have fiber additive in them can cause painful cramping and the urge to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Their cereals seem to be okay...I think that's because the cereal has more naturally occurring fiber than the imitation stuff.

Is it the end of the day yet?? Kirk has been really needy today (he's napped all of an hour) and Shiphrah took a short nap too. She's in a pretty good mood though so I can't complain too much. Well, I'm off to try to get some chores done!