Friday we had the kids' doctor appointments (Shiph's 18 month and Kirk's 2 month). Both kids are on the chart in weight percentiles (Shiphrah, 5th; Kirk, 50th) but nowhere near that in height. Poor Avery was so distraught to hear that his son was short too. :) Both kids got shots: Kirk got three (DTaP, HIB, and PCV) and Shiphrah got two (HIB and PCV) and I think I was more upset about it than they were. Is it supposed to be more traumatizing on the parents than the kids? I was impressed with how fast and efficient the nurse was though. Her hands were moving so fast I almost couldn't see what she was doing. Much better than when I saw my little sister get her booster shots. That was traumatic.
Saturday we headed out to the lake for the first part of the day. It was the second annual church lake day, although unfortunately the boat broke right before we got there so we couldn't actually do any laking. The water was too low to even swim in so the kids got to soak in the baby pool for about an hour and the rest of us just enjoyed the gorgeous weather. There was a really nice breeze most of the time so it didn't get too hot at all.

(Can you believe he's only 4 months older than Shiphrah??)
Yesterday was Avery's first day on B-shift. So we had to rush home after church and have a really quick lunch before he left. Today was just as rushed (he had an eye doctor appointment this morning) but hopefully we'll get into a groove pretty soon. My sisters came into town yesterday afternoon so we could go look at bridesmaid dresses for Rachel's wedding in September. We picked out a cute one and then decided to spend an hour or so at North Star Mall. Catherine (youngest sister) wanted to go shopping at Agaci, so that's where we spent the whole time until Kirk decided he was hungry and we had to head home. That store is sooo addicting! Most of it is a bit too young for me (although I was surprised at how many middle-aged ladies were shopping there) but they have such a huge selection that it's easy to spend hours there. I stayed strong through the shoe section (cute shoes for under $10!!) and all the cute skirts, purses, and jewelry, but I did end up buying one cute peasant dress. It's not something I can wear out of the house (at least until I find a brown shrug or maybe if I put a tank top under it) but it's sooooo cute and comfy and flowy that I couldn't resist. Sometimes I wish I had a husband that was a bit less laid back when it came to money. I can throw down several hundred dollars on something and he doesn't bat an eyelash. He says it's cuz he trusts me so much. :)
Part of Avery's Father's Day present arrived the other day. It was just SO cute that I couldn't help but give it to him right away. :) It's a little 4 x 4 photo book from Shutterfly full of the kids' pictures so he can show them off. He loved it. :) Speaking of photo books, I also ordered two from because they were running a special for a free photo book that Money Saving Mom had advertised. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend them, even though their prices are pretty reasonable. The layouts are really cute, but the print quality isn't very good and the quality of the paper itself isn't nearly as good as Shutterfly.
Let's see, what else? It's going to be a busy week around here. Tomorrow I have a meeting at the church for a WOC program my co-president is putting together. Right after that is coffee with my MIL if the babies can last that long. Then Thursday is a funeral for one of the ladies from the church, which of course means I'm coordinating the reception. We're doing finger sandwiches, veggies, fruit salads, and cookies, so I have to pick up the sandwich trays on Thursday morning before Avery goes to work. I don't know how I'm going to fit them in my fridge though...hmmm. And then Friday is my little sister's high school graduation (yay Cat!!) so we'll be heading up to Dripping Springs for most of the day Friday and possibly spend the night as well (the graduation is at 8 and I'm not too excited about driving back at 10 or so).
Oh, I emailed General Mills last week about their Fiber One products. (Avery and Shiphrah both had negative reactions to the fiber in their chewy bars and yogurt.) Today I opened the mail to see that they had sent me $24 in General Mills voucher coupons! Woo hoo!! Sometimes it pays to complain. :) I was a little perturbed because GM responded with a "well, some people just aren't used to that much fiber and maybe you just need to gradually build up your fiber intake." Maybe that's true for some, but we can eat the same exact amount of fiber that's naturally occurring and not have any problems. (For instance, Kashi's waffles have the same amount of fiber per serving and they don't cause any weird stomach problems.) So just a warning: Fiber One's products that have fiber additive in them can cause painful cramping and the urge to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Their cereals seem to be okay...I think that's because the cereal has more naturally occurring fiber than the imitation stuff.
Is it the end of the day yet?? Kirk has been really needy today (he's napped all of an hour) and Shiphrah took a short nap too. She's in a pretty good mood though so I can't complain too much. Well, I'm off to try to get some chores done!
I love the dress!