Monday, June 15, 2009

Late nights, diapers, and sewing a dress

Both kids are napping, Avery is off to work, and here I sit sipping an ice cold Code Red Mountain Dew. Ahhh, life is good. :) Of course, I'd rather all the above be true minus my husband being gone, but you take what you can get, right?

I'm rather surprised I'm feeling as upbeat as I am. Last night was a late Avery finally made it home a little before 2 am (his shift ends at 10 pm). I stayed up waiting for him...I hate going to bed without him because he ends up waking me up when he gets home anyway. (I had taken a nap earlier in the afternoon anyway so I wasn't exhausted.) So we got to bed around 2:30 and then slept in until about 10:30. I felt really achy and groggy this morning though...Kirk is still waking up about every 3 to 4 hours so I feel like I never really sleep very well (although my body has adjusted to it so it's not bad anymore).

But despite the late night, I'm surprisingly perky today. :) I'm even contemplating taking both kids grocery shopping after their naps. Speaking of shopping, Target is running a great deal this week: one of their "buy 3 products, get a $5 gift card" deals. And Huggies are on sale for $8.99 and included in that deal! Plus I have two $2/1 coupons and a $1.50/1 coupon and a $5 Target gift card from the last time I was there. So I figure it'll cost me about $16.50 + tax and I'll end up with another $5 gift card. Which isn't bad at all for three Jumbo packs of diapers!

Uh oh, the boy is already awake. Excuse me for a minute while I go get him.

Kirk is funny: I can usually get him to take his three naps a day, but at least two of them are usually only about 30 minutes long. Sometimes that middle or last nap will be an hour or two, but oftentimes not. It's frustrating just because he gets so grumpy and tired by 6-o-clock in the evening, but I don't want to put him down then because if I do he's wide awake around midnight or 2 am.

Anyway, where was I? I finally pulled out my sewing machine again after several months (more like a year) of non-use. I cut out all the pieces to make a dress (which personally I think is the hardest and most time-consuming step out of the whole process) the other night and then last night I sewed about 2/3 of the dress while waiting for Avery to get home. Of course, because I can't sew anything without screwing up somewhere, I goofed and then didn't realize it until five or so steps later. But, being the stubborn person that I am, I refuse to take the whole thing apart and start over, so instead I created my own fix. :) Hopefully it'll still look okay. Unfortunately, I discovered that ironing the fabric makes it change colors permanently (it gives it a yellowish hue) so I'm going to have to iron the whole thing just to make it look okay. Bah, problems like these make me want to give up sewing completely...I'm just not an understanding or patient enough person. :)

Well, that's enough rambling for now. Kirk is being a grouch and wants to be fed already, so I'd better go. Happy Monday, everyone!


  1. Oh goodness, I'm sorry about your ironing mishap! I recently made a bag out of linen and some of the fabric is a little more of a tan color than the rest of it...I could barely tell, so I hope my friend could barely tell. Good Luck with your dress! I'm off to make another bag for my cousin.

  2. good luck with your dress, I am still trying to figure out what to make with the fabric that i used for katie's party. Great deal on diapers, I have alot to catch up on maybe i will do that at work.. LOL.. ;)
    ~Clarissa from xanga.

  3. That IS a good deal on the diapers. Nice.
